Proud / Bold / Manic / Manic / Narcissistic
Sir charles
Shy / Brave / Apathetic / Laid Back / Independent
Fucking lagassi
Alarming / Courageous / Irresponsible / Hyper Energetic / Egotistical
Mock dog
Soft Spoken / Heroic / Paranoid / Hyper Vigilant / Empathetic
Jack awesome
Loud / Confident / Methodical / Self-Sufficient / Self Involved
Meet The Maniacs
Derk JickfaceThe Big-Headed Big Mouth is Best & The Last Man Standing.
Listen to Derk Jickface's theme song and check out this funky DJ's official website as the best DJ ever pursues a wicked awesome solo career that he promises will be "the BEST!"
Sir CHarlesThe Pretty Boy and Big Pussy who Quit like a Bitch.
NEWS UPDATE! Listen to Sir Charles' theme song.
Effin' LagassiListen to Lagassi's theme song.
Mock DogThe Muscle and The Mayhem Quietly Lost his Life. NEWS UPDATE!
Listen to Mock Dog's theme song.
Jack AwesomeThe First and Last Asshole Jerk who ain't Awesome no mo.'
Listen to Jack Awesome's theme song.
Re-mix of Jack's theme by Derk JIckface recorded in 2010.